I am so grateful to be where I am in my life today. Everything seems brighter and fresher and more interesting, even the simplest things are exciting and fun.
It was three years ago today that I packed up my car, stepped out of my comfort zone and moved to Taranaki on what I called my 'adventure' I think my kids probably called it mid life crisis but whatever name you give it, it has turned out to be the most amazing journey. I was on a mission to 'find myself', I had no idea what I was looking for, or what I was hoping to find, I just knew that I wasnt content with the path my life was on and that if I wanted changes then I had to make them happen. Heading off into the unknown on this 'adventure' to a place where I didnt know a soul, gave me an opportunity to find more than just 'myself'. I found my husband, I found the most amazing job at Access Radio Taranaki and now I have found Verdigris Creative Studio. All of these wonderful things have come about purely because I have learned to open my eyes, my heart and my mind and to trust and accept WHAT IS and when something presents itself I grab it with passion whereas before I would just let it slip by. Contemplating the thought of change is the hardest thing, doing it is easy. I just love the fact that now I know anything is possible and I believe this new venture with Verdigris Studio was part of the big plan just waiting to happen. Who knows where this new adventure will lead but I'm going to have fun finding out.
Jaala Poihipi
10/26/2012 07:18:00 am
Yes, we may have thought a mid life crisis at the time but once again you have shown us that dreams can come true - another lesson in life shown by a wonderful mum! Thank you and congratulations on your dreams coming true.
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